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3-star unit with Restrict
Easy to imprint
Great for new players
Pretty good team support and decent utility
Long cooldown on S2
3-star base stats
No healing, despite being a Soul Weaver
Pretty slow
(Written day of Lucy’s release, 2/25/21)
Lucy has just been released, however it’s easy to see that she is going to be a good unit for newer players to use. She’s unique, in that she’s the first three-star unit to have the debuff Restrict. However, unlike units like Cerise and Captain Rikoris, Lucy has Restrict on her first skill too – albeit it’s a small chance if not Soulburned.
She seems more like a budget Cerise instead of an actual Soul Weaver, as her s2 is basically Cerise’s s3, minus Invincibility. Her S3 is also nice, however it’s not considered to be a full cleanse, as it merely decreases debuff duration by 1 turn. In general, Lucy feels more like a Mage unit that got accidentally classed as a Soul Weaver, but can now use Soul Weaver artifacts, which could help her quite a bit.
There’s not a lot of information on Lucy yet, however it’s pretty easy to see where you’d want to invest your stats in.
In general, you’d want to build Lucy with bulk and Effectiveness – More HP means she can survive for longer to apply more debuffs and have bigger shields, and Effectiveness means higher chances for debuffs. You’ll also want to put Lucy on Speed boots so she can get her turn quicker. As of right now, there’s no final-goal to aim for with Lucy, so do your best and apply as much HP%, Effectiveness%, and Speed on her as you can.
In the Utility Build, it is possible to swap out her HP% ring for Effectiveness% if you find yourself lacking Eff%. However, this leaves her very squishy and susceptible to being taken out in one hit, so it’s not recommended to do so unless you absolutely have to.
If you don’t have Celestine, The Guardian Star’s Blessing works alright in a pinch. However, Celestine’s infinitely better, and should replace TGSB as soon as possible.
[2/17/2022 Update] – S3 now has healing. S2 has -1 turn cooldown buff.
Lucy has 3 skills. Skills can be passive or active.
Lucy's Paper Throw can be soul burned for extra effects.
More information can be found on our Skill Multipliers page.
You'll definitely want to skill up her S3 for the 3-turn cooldown. After that, you'll want to skill up her s2 to bring her debuff chances up to 100%. Finally, skill up her s1 to bring her Restrict chance to 50%.
Level | Stars | CP | Atk | HP | Def |
30 | 3 | 5172 | 186 | 1730 | 291 |
40 | 4 | 7048 | 253 | 2401 | 392 |
50 | 5 | 9113 | 327 | 3141 | 503 |
60 | 6 | 11368 | 408 | 3950 | 624 |
Level | Stars | CP | Atk | HP | Def |
30 | 3 | 5725 | 246 | 1961 | 291 |
40 | 4 | 7907 | 343 | 2733 | 392 |
50 | 5 | 10434 | 447 | 3763 | 503 |
60 | 6 | 13402 | 558 | 4733 | 661 |
Critical Hit Chance | Critical Hit Damage | Dual Attack Chance | Effectiveness | Effect Resistance | Speed |
15% | 150% | 5% | 0% (+18%) | 0% | 96 (+6) |
Flawless Organization
[Support] Type
Reward Bonus +6%
A new member of the Student Council, Lucy was recruited to assist Hazel, who has grown tired of her excessive workload and all the preparations she must carry out for various events. Initially, Lucy was only helping out with paperwork, but thanks to the scheming of Yuna and Carrot, she was also selected as an ambassador for the Student Council. She also works as a recordkeeper in the Archive Management Department.