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Can Dual Attack with any ally on any skill!
S3 now cleanses debuffs, can stun and penetrate defense on top of speed buff for allies
Can end up cycling her s3 really fast if you play your cards right
Generally just a really good unit to use with Dual Attack-heavy units (e.g. Conqueror Lilias)
Base stats are kind of low (unfortunate 950~ ATK)
Only triggers Enhanced Dual Attack every 4 ally turns
Can only stop counterattacks from triggering on her Dual-Attacking s1
[6/8/23 Patch]: S3 now cleanses and can penetrate enemy defense. Her S2 passive now gives crit rate buff.
With the new Summer Break Charlotte, she is now a very strong attacker with good utility. She can be used as a single target DPS with some AoE thrown in if she is called to dual attack. Her passive gives crit rate buff, so now that lowers the gear requirements for crit rate and can be built with more crit damage or health, depending on whether you want her to be a bruiser or not.
Her S1 still can defense break as usual. The biggest change is her S3, where it now penetrates defense on top of cleansing her own debuffs + give speed buff to all allies. This makes her very good in speed cleave teams due to the change. She can one shot many units (if built full damage) thanks to the defense penetration.
Since her passive grants her enhanced dual attack, she will be called often for a dual attack, activating many AoE attacks along the way. This makes her strong in PvP in longer battles.
Stat wise:
With this setup, you can deal good damage over time. For a bruiser build, you will want to drop some crit dmg or attack for more health and defense.
Summer Break Charlotte has 3 skills. Skills can be passive or active.
Summer Break Charlotte's Caught a Big One can be soul burned for extra effects.
More information can be found on our Skill Multipliers page.
Skill up her S3 to at least +3 to have the -1 turn cooldown. After that, max out her S2 for the extra Crit Chance. S1 really only needs to be skilled up to +3.
Level | Stars | CP | Atk | HP | Def |
50 | 5 | 15372 | 611 | 4556 | 511 |
60 | 6 | 19193 | 762 | 5728 | 634 |
Level | Stars | CP | Atk | HP | Def |
50 | 5 | 17028 | 767 | 4896 | 511 |
60 | 6 | 21409 | 957 | 6148 | 634 |
Critical Hit Chance | Critical Hit Damage | Dual Attack Chance | Effectiveness | Effect Resistance | Speed |
15% (+12%) | 150% | 5% | 0% | 0% | 103 (+6) |
Attentive Supervisor
[Gathering] Attribute
Reward Bonus +10%
Charlotte is on summer break with her friends. Although she's trying to act cool and composed while insisting that she isn't excited at all, she doesn't seem to realize that a truly disinterested person wouldn't have come up with such a comprehensive vacation plan.