Celine Banner

Celine Banner


In this Drop Rate Up event, meet Celine, an Earth elemental Thief who attacks a random enemy when they enemy use a non-attack skill and ignores damage sharing effects. Players can also obtain the Thief exclusive Artifact, Secret Art – Storm Sword, which increases the caster’s Attack when an enemy uses a non-attack skill.


■ Schedule

6/18 (Thu) 03:00 ~ 7/2 (Thu) 02:59 UTC


In this Drop Rate Up event, meet Celine, an Earth elemental Thief who attacks a random enemy when they enemy use a non-attack skill and ignores damage sharing effects. Players can also obtain the Thief exclusive Artifact, Secret Art – Storm Sword, which increases the caster’s Attack when an enemy uses a non-attack skill.


■ Schedule

6/18 (Thu) 03:00 ~ 7/2 (Thu) 02:59 UTC