Eda Banner

Eda Banner

In this Drop Rate Up, meet Eda, an Ice elemental Mage, who is capable of manipulating the enemy’s turns.

You can also obtain the Mage exclusive Artifact, Twilight Calamity that increases Critical Hit Chance of all allies and increases the Effectiveness of the caster.

■ Schedule

2/10 (Thu) 03:00 ~ 2/17 (Thu) 02:59 UTC

In this Drop Rate Up, meet Eda, an Ice elemental Mage, who is capable of manipulating the enemy’s turns.

You can also obtain the Mage exclusive Artifact, Twilight Calamity that increases Critical Hit Chance of all allies and increases the Effectiveness of the caster.

■ Schedule

2/10 (Thu) 03:00 ~ 2/17 (Thu) 02:59 UTC